Coordinating group of the WPM

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Unanimously, Congress elected:

Fernando Rendón (Colombia)


Achour Fenni (Algeria)
Siphiwe Nzima (Lesotho)
Rati Saxena (India)
Keshab Sigdel (Nepal)
Óscar Saavedra (Chile)
Freddy Ñañez (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)
Fernando Rendón (Colombia)

The Operating Committee is a committee made up of eight members, as a Secretariat, to decide and execute the daily tasks of WPM: It consists of: a general coordinator, five continental coordinators and two members nominated by the Coordinating Committee of the World Poetry Movement. Each member of the Operating Committee must in turn assume responsibility for one of the strategic lines of the Work Plan: Poetic actions, pedagogical project, editorial project, communications, organization and management and human rights.

The Operating Committee decides on the day-to-day affairs of the World Poetry Movement, sets the agenda for the ICC meeting, maintains a constant process of communication and mutual cooperation with the continental chapters and their regional and national coordinators. It meets at least every two weeks. The continental chapters must listen to the orientations and suggestions of the Coordinating Committee and the Operational Committee, in the development of the Strategic Plan.


It is the executive body to decide on policy and other aspects of management between two Congresses and establish the most important tasks of WPM week by week. It implements by consensus decisions the Strategic Plan approved by the World Congress. The tasks it addresses must be followed by WPM as a whole. It meets at least every two months. The International Coordinating Committee is composed of 22 members elected by the Congress, by consensus or by the slate system, as decided: The International Coordinating Committee will have to draw up an annual implementation schedule, including the thematic axis of poetic actions.

A general coordinator, appointed by the Congress by majority or consensus, one member (continental coordinator of Africa), one member (continental coordinator of Asia), one member (continental coordinator of Europe), one member (continental coordinator of America, one member (continental coordinator of Oceania) and 16 other members (with continental and linguistic diversity).

The ITC elected, on this occasion, is made up of the poets:

Achour Fenni (Algeria)
Siphiwe Nzima (Lesotho)
Ashraf Aboul-Yazid (Egypt)
Ayo Ayoola-Amale (Ghana)
Tarek Eltayeb (Sudan)

Invited poets:
Nimrod (Chad)
Ismaël Diadié Haidara (Malí)

Rati Saxena (India)
Keshab Sigdel (Nepal)
Vadim Terekhin (Russia)
Ali Al Ameri (Jordan/Palestine)
Jidi Majia (China)

Invited poet:
Hanan Awwad (Palestine)

Alex Pausides (Cuba)
Freddy Ñañez (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)
Rosa Chavez (Maya Nation, Guatemala)
Oscar Saavedra (Chile)
Ana María Oviedo (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela )

Invited poet:
Maribel Mora Curriao (Mapuche Nation, Colombia)

Christine Peiying Chen (New Zealand)
Sue Zhu (China-New Zealand)

WPM Meeting Coordinating Committee 09.03.2025

The orientation for the national coordinators follows the line of the WPM Manifesto: For a World Poetry Revolution. We must take poetry to all corners of the planet, share readings, reflections on the essentiality of poetry. It is proposed to advance in the realization of workshops and pedagogical experiences in each country, in accordance with local policies, with the participation of outstanding poets.

Declaration of the WPM about genocide in Palestine

The World Poetry Movement follows with indignation the criminal attacks against the Palestinian people by the brutal Zionist occupation, in an atmosphere of blockade exercised by the international media monopolies…