World Poetry School

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A Project by the World Poetry Movement

“Full of merit, yet poetically humans dwell upon this earth”
F. Hölderlin

Introduction: In accordance with the strategic goals of the World Poetry Movement (WPM), this project answers the need for achieving the second purposed goal, written down this way:

OE2. Global reach improved in the development of audiences through the calling for formative poetic actions.

To achieve this objective it is needed to develop this strategy:

To coordinate, with WPM’s Education Commission, the planning, design and implementation of a World Poetry School that make it possible to articulate Poetry Schools and formative poetic projects from around the world.

As it can be seen, this project is based on pedagogically oriented poetic actions, and it is important to remember how those ones has been defined:

Pedagogic oriented poetic action: Every poetic action with a explicit formative goal and having poetic creation as its axis. On this field there are the poetry schools (both virtual and onsite) where there are courses in which to talk about actual concerns in the light of poetry and about the knowledge and experiences of poets (both referential poets from poetry history and contemporary present poets); and also, that can held poetic courses and workshops for teachers and people able to act as replicators of that knowledge and references (young poets, workshop leaders and artist with potential for creative writing); as well as courses and workshops addressed and designed for children, young people and elder people; and, also, expert panels, conferences and, more widely, every project that involves the transmission of poetic knowledge and the stimulation towards poetic writing.

1. Background

This proposal has its origins on World Poetry Movement, now built up by 210 organizations: 114 international poetry festivals and 96 poetic projects. It also consists of 1.178 poets coming from 131 nations around the world and from the five continents.

Within the meeting that gave birth to the World Poetry Movement, framed in the 21st International Poetry Festival of Medellin (June 2nd to 9th, 2011); it sprouted the need for consolidating a World Poetry School as the educative action line of the movement. This means that this project is the result of a series of formative projects with poetic expression as its axis coming from around the world. It is from that point that WPS shows up as a pointing tip of a renovation dynamic that do activate the spiritual and artistic legacy that we all have inherited everywhere in the world and uses it socially, based on the conviction that educative poetic actions does contribute in the development of a language that is creative, imaginative and that makes proposals allowing a critical and participative conscience in the light of communicability, plurality and participation in the inclusive and constructive projects of socio-cultural development.

Since it exists now the conjunction of world level projects that do assume poetic expression as the axis of their interventions and that have became part of WPM, it’s needed to highlight that the existence of a World Poetry School has its precedents in the history and circumstances of every local project involved.

Using the influence and convening power of each training project associated with each local poetry movement and in order to contribute to strengthening an inclusive culture, non-violence, peace building, laying the groundwork for the creation World Poetry School that arose from the need to fill the gaps in knowledge of the audience, about contemporary poetic expression of all time.

It is a project designed for the participation of poets in the world committed to the essential changes required in our time. Poets, carriers of knowledge renewal. Given the conditions of openness and genuine public interest in this knowledge is relevant structure from his background as people experienced a series of training activities such as courses, workshops, conferences, symposia and meetings conceived, designed and developed by poets have done with their work contribute to cognitive growth of the attendees.

2. Problem description

It is detected that globally there is no set of joint training activities based on poetry and art, alternative and complementary, to raise the cognitive skills to develop the creative aspect of language in individuals and population groups belonging to the fields influence of this project that seeks to make a transforming influence on a planetary level

This problem concerns to the World Poetry Movement since all their activities promote the congregation, brotherhood, knowledge, cultural diversity, environmental awareness and solidarity with the various problems that affect a large percentage of the population.

A failure to enable participation spaces that enrich the cultural diversity, perpetuate the problems of inequality and thus worsens the crisis of violence affecting the localities of the world.

The vast majority of the world’s people lack alternatives for its cultural life, a situation that reduces their prospects of a decent life.

To the extent that progress in solving the above problem areas will consolidate cultural congregation and communicability of knowledge to bear fruit in peace building, democratic participation and social equity

3. Project description

World Poetry School is the line of training action by the World Poetry Movement (WPM) and will have four main components:

3.1 First component. Integrationist action.

This is an internal organizational action that aims to integrate communicative actions by all acceptable educational projects with poetry in the world, allowing the exchange and transfer and updating of knowledge, methodologies, curricula, strategies, procedural and various types of cooperation intercultural aimed at achieving a synchronized movement of large worldwide coverage

3.2 Second component. Face actions.

It consists in the realization of poetic actions with pedagogical projection at local geographical contexts by physical presence in the areas inhabited by fully defined target populations, corresponding to the triggering process.
This component is structured into two strategic axes are:

Strategic area 1: Training of trainers. Is to qualify young poets to give continuity to the educational processes applied to children and youth. It also aims to promote reading training, teachers of educational institutions and individuals who have potential talents related to the processes of formation.

Strategic area 2: Improving learning processes aimed at overcoming the difficulties of human beings for the written and oral expression through the implementation of training projects based on the projection poetic pedagogical actions.
This strategic area involves the developing three projects:
Project 1: Poetic projection actions aimed at teaching children
Project 2: Poetic projection actions aimed at teaching young
Project 3: Poetic projection actions aimed at teaching adults

3.3 Third component. Virtual actions.

It is offering training from a structure where we can share the best virtual training projects worldwide. This involves building a virtual, interactive and multilingual platform, which can be accessed from anywhere.

This component, analogous to the face component, will have two strategic axes for: training of trainers and training poetic actions targeting children, youth and adults.

3.4 Fourth component. Poetic translation center

This component is a necessary factor for the full development of the global school of poetry as it allows coverage multicultural character that would integrate poly-lingual poetic training projects around the world and various languages.

3.5 Observation: Every training poetic action will be performed by poets, suited for such purposes or by qualified experts in the topics to be developed. Those responsible for such training activities shall report on the progress and quality of training of participants. Added to this, each poet or trainer will present the program for activities that he will develop.

4. Justification

The certainty that what guides the creation of WPS is that the training poetic actions contribute substantially in the development and socio-cultural and educational transformation of peoples.

World Poetry School is an event that does leave the conventional educational homogenization and focuses on meeting distinct cultural features.

Beyond the policy change, important collective learning is necessary to address possible cultural diversity while integrating different groups and views, generating an interest pluralistic and democratic in nature.

The pedagogical projection of poetic actions has an impact on the joint construction of a culture of renewal, in the worlds imaginary and its localities, competencies and collective capabilities through the generations. Any society that fails in these areas will always be questioned in its legitimacy, fragmented or conflicting.

World Poetry School is an essential contribution to overcome the lack of cultural areas of convergence that build a more equitable and inclusive society in the process of qualification of persons who constitute it. Allowed to exercise the fundamental right of access to education and training of people with little chance in a context of inequality of opportunities.

There are two very important documents of the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in which we note the relevance of progress towards the consolidation of this organic network of training poetic actions.

The documents are:

Road Map for Arts Education (World Conference on Arts Education: Building Creative Capacities for the twenty-first century Lisbon, 6-9 March 2006).


In this document there are four proposed goals for the artistic education and the participation in culture in which WPS could make contributions. These objectives are:

1. “To ensure compliance with human right to education and participation in culture”
Regarding this objective, the document states: “The culture and the arts are basic components of a comprehensive education that allows the individual to fully develop. Therefore, art education is a universal right for all learners including those who are often excluded from education, such as immigrants, cultural minorities and persons with disabilities “

2. “To develop individual skills”
Regarding this objective, the document states: “The XXI century are increasingly demanding creative workers, flexible and innovative, and educational systems must conform to this new situation. Arts education provides people who learn the skills required of them and also allows them to express themselves, critically evaluate the world around them and actively participate in various aspects of human existence “

3. “To improve the quality of education
In this perspective, the document states: “According to the Dakar Framework for Action to achieve a quality education must be a number of factors. And learning through the arts (arts education and arts in education) can enhance at least four of the following: active learning, a curriculum adapted to the environment to awaken interest and enthusiasm in people learning, respect and engagement with communities and local cultures, and the presence of trained and motivated teachers”.

4. “To promote the expression of cultural diversity
On this objective, the roadmap states: “The arts are the manifestation of culture and at the same time, the medium through which they communicate cultural knowledge. Each culture has its own cultural practices and expressions specific artistic and cultural diversity and the resulting products generated artistic and creative contemporary and traditional forms of human creativity that contribute specifically to the nobility, wealth, beauty and integrity of human civilizations.

Knowledge and awareness of cultural practices and art forms strengthens the identities and personal and collective values, and helps preserve and promote cultural diversity. Arts education promotes both cultural awareness and cultural practices, and is the means through which knowledge and appreciation for arts and culture are transmitted from one generation to another.

Many countries are losing material and immaterial aspects of culture because they are valued in the educational system and not transmitted to future generations. Therefore, it is necessary that educational systems incorporate and transmit knowledge and cultural expressions, an objective can be achieved through art education, formal and non-formal”

The other document is Seoul Agenda: Goals for the development of arts education. It is an important outcome of the Second World Conference on Arts Education held in Seoul (Republic of Korea) from 25 to 28 May 2010. There involving 650 experts from 95 countries art education.

This document states the following:

In the Seoul Agenda calls upon UNESCO Member States, civil society, professional organizations and communities to recognize the guiding objectives, implement the proposed strategies and implement activities in a concerted effort to realize the full potential of quality arts education to positively renew education systems achieve social and cultural rights and, finally, to benefit children, young people and those engaged in learning throughout life, whatever their age “

We believe that the actions poetic training, globally, generated by the World Poetry School have a great affinity relationship and identification with the points made in the two documents mentioned above.

5. Project objectives

5.1 General objective. To contribute, through the globalization of training poetic actions, in the construction of a new humanism for the twenty-first century, promoting, permanently, intercultural dialogue through the projection of language teaching fraternity and universal poetry, way to transformation and renewal of consciousness, for the benefit of humanity at peace, reconciled with nature and aware of both cultural diversity and the sense of justice and social inclusion in the processes of socio-cultural and educational advancement of all inhabitants of the planet.

5.2 Main objective. One is to obtain a global level, a set of joint training activities based on poetry and art, alternative and complementary, to raise the cognitive skills to develop the creative aspect of language in individuals and population groups belonging to the spheres of influence of this project that seeks to make a transformative effect on a planetary level by the global integration of local training projects

5.3 Expected results for the achievement of the objective

1. It has been achieved a high level of integration of all educational projects worldwide.

2. It has been generated a field of communicative action, through the creative word, helping to develop the participants’ ability to perceive and transform reality through poetic expression.

3. The target population (children, youth, poets, writers, teachers, workshop leaders, students, self-taught, etc.). is up to date in the knowledge of the various tendencies of poetic creation.

4. It has led, through the continued exercise of the poetic word, new ways of approaching the poetic productions of recent times.

5. They have made significant contributions to the dissemination process of writing techniques, imaginative and innovative, useful for the acquisition of a language creator.

6. There has been a multiplier effect for attendees to make poetic activities in their social environment.

7. It has helped to raise the level of humanistic and literary quality to benefit humans.

8. It has been achieved a good performance in the work of poetic translation, applied to the various training activities both face and virtual

5.4 Actions towards the achievement of those results:

1. Carry out a communicative display:
Internal: Among the poetic projects in WPM.
External: targeting WPM potential partners to develop educational projects with poetry at a major global level

2. To achieve that 200 International Poetry Festivals do implement in their programming the realization of International Schools of Poetry and projection permanent training activities throughout the year

3. Coordinate and make them perform 1000 creative writing workshops for children and young people from five continents.

4. Coordinate and ensure that courses are made 1000 made by poets and experts in creative writing, for the training of trainers.

5. To form a team with 10 poets translators worldwide to develop the center of poetic translations.

6. Influence area.

The area of influence of this project consists of the sum of geographical contexts in which to make its actions in-line and online.

This means that the catchment area consists of the global network of locations around the world where the World Poetry Movement members implement training projects.

7. Objective audience.

Students, teachers, poets, cultural managers, poetic creation workshop leaders, children, young and adults; people from marginalized areas of the cities that hasn’t had access to complimentary forms and alternative ways of education and culture.

8. Calling

The calling for the World Poetry School will be made through the commnicative power of digital media among which we highlight WPM web and the local publication of flyers, posters and brochures that should be placed at universities, schools, literary workshops and cultural centers of the cities and cities areas.

© World Poetry Movement, 2012

WPM Meeting Coordinating Committee 09.03.2025

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