Virtual Congress World Poetry Movement America

“Este es un continente en el que los poetas se han vinculado tradicionalmente con mucha fuerza a las acciones globales de WPM, 20 en total en los 12 años de existencia”.
Delegates from Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Monserrat, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela will meet virtually on April 22 and 23, starting at 15:00 GMT, at the WPM America Congress.
This congress closes the cycle of virtual preparatory congresses towards the 1st WPM Congress, which have been taking place since January when the African one was held, in February followed by the one in Asia and in March, the European one.
The virtual Congress of WPM America will unfold in an atmosphere of camaraderie that has been developed in a work constituted for several years. The group of national coordinators of the Americas have maintained a close working relationship, which has been expressed in world poetic actions, the exchange of databases and information.
This is a continent where poets have traditionally been strongly linked to WPM’s global actions, 20 in total in the 12 years of its existence. This has meant that there are countries where WPM has developed quite a bit, such as Cuba, where the Movement is developed in each of the provinces; Venezuela, which has implemented the National Student Poetry School; Colombia, which has 120 members; El Salvador, which is deploying its organization in the 14 departments.
On the first day, greetings from the general coordination and the continental coordinations will be presented. The national coordinators will then present their reports.
The second day will open to dialogue to make proposals on the functioning and tasks of the Movement. 15 delegates from this continent will also be appointed to take part in the 1st WPM Congress, to be held in Medellín (July 13-15) and Caracas (July 17-20). The meeting will also name the coordination group that will carry out the continental work plans.
The meeting is carried out with the coordination and organization of the World Poetry Movement and the International Poetry Festival of Medellín. It has the vital support of the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It will be developed with simultaneous translation into English, French and Spanish.
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