Work Plans Of The Coordinator's Associates Croatia

Zagreb, 18-03-2023.
National Coordinator in Croatia: Sonja Manojlovic.
1.Finnish poets in Zagreb: Jyrki Ihalainen and Juha Kulmala
The autumn poetry event – the performance of Finnish poets Jyrki Ihalainen and Juha Kulmala in Zagreb. They interpreted their poetry in Finnish, and their poems were translated into Croatian by Boris Vidović. The literary evening was moderated by Rada Borić. This event took place in cooperation with The World Poetry Movement, with the support of the Embassy of Finland in Zagreb and with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Media and the City of Zagreb.
Time: Tuesday, November 29, 2022. at 7 p.m
Place: Library of Marija Jurić Zagorka, Krvavi most 2, Zagreb
- Cycle “The Secrets of Poetics”: Dorta Jagić
Translated poem: Jyrki Ihalainen (WPM coordinator for Finland): “Not that red”
Free exchange of poetry books
Place: “Bogdan Ogrizović” Library and Reading Room, Zagreb
Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 6 p.m
3. Cycle, The Secrets of Poetics“: Ana Brnardić
Translated poem: Francis Combes, France (WPM coordinator for Europe): Life of poets
Free sxchange of poetry books
Place: “Bogdan Ogrizović” Library and Reading Room, Zagreb
Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 6 p.m
4. Cycle „The Secrets of Poetics“ : Darija Žilić
Translated poem: Barbara Pogačnik: poet, WPM coordinator for Slovenia,Translated poem: A Poem With s: Artichoke
Place: “Bogdan Ogrizović” Library and Reading Room, Zagreb
Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 6 p.m
The cycle continues until further notice every last Sunday of the month…
1. LANA DERKAČ, poet, novelist, member of the Board of Directors of the Croatian PEN Center2. DAVOR ŠALAT, poet, critic, translator from Spanish, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Bridge” (Croatian literature in foreign languages, published by the Writers’ Association of Croatia) a) Lana and Davor intend to organize and lead poetry readings together (“Coffee at five” – ten readings a year) in a coffee shop if possible. (Sometimes a thematic reading with several poets related to an event or date, and sometimes a presentation of 1-2 poets unrelated to the topic. b) PEN will provide logistical support for some thematic gatherings and poetry readings in 2023. c) In 2024, PEN will request financial resources from the Croatian Ministry of Culture for a program in cooperation with WPM (tribunes, arrival of foreign authors in Zagreb) 3. ANA BRNARDIĆ, poet, translator from Romanian, general secretary of the Croatian Society of Writers
– As a coordinator of the writers’ exchange projects within Croatian Writers’ Society (CWS), Ana intends to organize one or two writers’ exchange programs in 2024., with a partnership of foreign writers’ organizations, festivals or institutions, in which two poets from each partners’ country will participate. In 2023. CWS will contact potential partners in this project and apply for funds for realization of the projects at our Ministry of Culture and Media as well as The City of Zagreb.
4. SANJA BAKOVIĆ, poet, journalist, organizer and moderator of numerous literary readings and a poetry festival – Sanja wants to organize “Poetry Walks” – gatherings of poets in nature and reading poems in specific places (forest, river bank, lake, islands). Thematically, these gatherings can be related to a locality, a phenomenon or an author. The goal is to connect the author and the listener with a feeling that acts not only mentally but also sensibly and physically. Alternative title “Poetry of Space”.