Report WPM Slovenia

Ljubljana, 18-03-2023.
National Coordinator in Slovenia: Barbara Pogačnik.
There are dark times when one could have the impression that poetry does not take place, that poetry is not heard in front of the noise of the war, in front of the noise of the fast consumption that is the other face of the perversity making disappear the nature and thousands of beings that inhabit it.
The world where the thirst of each one is directed to have always more, which equals to devour the world under its steps in reality will not be able to survive without the poetry; without turning to oneself, to a silence that radiates the words.
2016, septembre : Queremos paz : lecture pour l’accord de paix colombien, avec la participation de 8 poètes de 4 pays (Slovénie, Italie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Irak).
2019, février : Pour un monde sans murs : 5 événements à Zagreb, Celje, Ljubljana, Koper et Trieste, avec des poètes croates, slovènes, italiens et un invité spécial de la Géorgie (environ 50 poètes participants).
2021, 26 octobre : Jack Hirschman, le dernier des beatniks – Hommage à Jack Hirschman (événement hybride en ligne et en direct) : participation de 14 poètes de 9 pays (Slovénie, Italie, Allemagne, Pakistan, Belgique, France, Inde, Écosse / GB, Tunisie).
2022, 17 juin : The Earth is our only home, Ljubljana, lecture dans le cadre d’un salon du livre d’été dans le jardin de l’Association des écrivains : participation de 8 poètes de 4 pays (Slovénie, Hongrie, Serbie, Italie).
2016, September : Queremos paz: reading for the Colombian peace agreement, participating 8 poets from 4 countries (Slovenia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq)
2019, February: For a World without Walls : 5 events in Zagreb, Celje, Ljubljana, Koper and Trieste, with croatian, slovenian, italian poets and a special poetry guest from Georgia (aboout 50 poets participating)
2021, 26th October: Jack Hirschman, the last of beatniks – Tribute to Jack Hirschman (hybrid online and live event): participating 14 poets from 9 countries (Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Pakistan, Belgium, France, India, Scotland / GB, Tunisia)
2022, 17th June : The Earth is our only home, Ljubljana, reading at the event of a summer bookfair in the garden of Writers Association: participating 8 poets from 4 countries (Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Italy).
Jack Hirschman, USA (tr. Barbara Pogačnik, Miklavž Komelj)
Francis Combes, France (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Agneta Falk Hirschman, USA (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Cao Shui, China (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Sandor Halmosi, Hungary (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Imdad Aakash, Pakistan (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Eric Piette, Belgium (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Moez Majed, Tunisia (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Gerry Loose, GB/Scotland (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Jose Muchnik, France/ Argentina (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Michel Augustin, Germany (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Sujatta Bhatt, India/Germany (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Sameer Sayegh, Iraq (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Igor Costanzo, Italy (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Odveig Klyve, Norway (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Zviad Ratiani, Georgia (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Turkish poets: Ataol Behramoglu (Babies have no nation, Loneliness)
Ülkü Tamer (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Tarik Günersel (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Colombian poets:
Luis Vidales (tr. Miklavž Komelj)
Fernando Charry Lara (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Héctor Rojas Herazo (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Gabriel Jaime Franco (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Héctor Cañon Hurtado (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Fredy Yezzed (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Venezuelan poets:
Gustavo Pereira (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Fredy Ñañez (tr. Barbara Pogačnik)
Chile: Constanza Carlesi del Rio (tr. Nada Kavčič)
Italian poets:
Enzo Santese
Gabriela Valera
Cristina Micelli
Christian Sinicco
Marella Nappi
Marina Torossi
Antonio della Rocca
Giorgio Michelli
Octavio Gruber
Creative dinamo, essay about Jack Hirchman (by Miklavž Komelj)
Anthology of the poetry translations For a World Without Walls