Report of WPM Pakistan

Islamabad, February 20th, 2023
National Coordinator: Imdad Aakash
- After joining WPM we established its office in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan in 2019.
- A web page by the Name of WPM (Pakistan Chapter) was created.
- A call was given to all progressive poets to join WPM.
- Progressive writers association Pakistan became member of WPM Pakistan.
- A poetry reading was arranged under the Theme “CALLIN ALL ANTI-FASCISTS in july 2019. Reports and videos were posted in WPM page and WPM Pakistan page.
- Another poetry reading under same theme was arranged in October 2019.
- In November 2019 An International Literary conference of AFRICAN ASIAN LATINAMERICAN WRITERS UNION was arranged in collaboration with WPM Pakistan and Progressive Writers Association Islamabad.
Then unfortunately the corona virus halted all the activities.
9.In October 2019 a poetry reading in memory of Jack Hirschman was arranged in which 10 International poets from different countries participated virtually and 14 Pakistani poets on ground.
10.In April 2022 WPM Pakistan arranged an International poetry event in memory of legendary poet of Pakistan FAIZ AHMED FAIZ in which poets from all over the world including India participated online while 15 poets from allover Pakistan were present physically.
WPM Pakistan has issued a call to all progressive young poets to join in and a lot of budding youngsters are joining. We plan to arrange many such programs in future here but since our country is a establishment controlled state therefore we have to be very careful while expressing ourselves. Even then we will do our level best to reach out to the masses for deliverance of the message of love through poetry.