Proposals of Chengdu

September 2019
“Looking ways to disseminate poetry in a more efficient way and to contribute to promoting communication between poets and the peoples of the Earth”.
The night of September 5th, a group of members of the Coordinating Committee of the World Poetry Movement (including five members from American countries, three from Asia, three from Europe and one from Africa) met at the Xinhua Hotel in Chengdu, China, to examine the situation of our organization and consider work proposals aimed at strengthening them and their influence in the world.
In the midst of the meeting we consider it necessary to continue working to achieve the goals of WPM, looking for ways to disseminate poetry in a more efficient way and to contribute to promoting communication between poets and the peoples of the different nations of the Earth, to help the world achieve peace, justice and harmony.
We agreed to continue promoting a responsible reflection on the crisis in the world today, to converge on actions that materialize the unity of poets and peoples and bring closer the time of a profound spiritual and cultural transformation.
To do this we decided to strengthen the WPM coordinating group, expanding the number of its members, seeking to include more women poets, to cover all regions of the planet. In addition, we agreed to focus on doing our work in a strictly collective way, organizing a system of coordination in each continent and in each country, until we achieve full communication with poets from all over the world, linking them to our tasks and Campaigns.
Above all, we consider it essential to promote the participation of peoples, that is, that peoples can be part and to form the World Poetic Movement.
WPM Festivals and publications should include its logo on impressions and digital publications about their day-to-day activities. The members of the Coordinating Committee travel constantly through the world, in their travels they can and must be organizers and diffusers of the word and philosophy of WPM, bringing the language of poetry to the scale of the most wide and plural action, and work passionately and resolutely about the massification of WPM on the planet.
We need to assess the importance of projecting inspiring slogans for our Global Campaigns, which are not negative or reactive, in order to achieve better effect and a growing and solid scope of our actions.
Contributing to changing the history of the world through a poetic revolution is an emblematic proposition that can be a guide to WPM’s next action, aimed at promoting a World Without Wars. The next global WPM action should be associated with the content of the new edition of Poetry Planetariat.
Then it becomes necessary to conceive and define from now the content of our new Global Campaign as well as the new issue of Poetry Planetariat, its motto, orientation and profile of the materials that it will include, as well as the working group that will accompany Ataol Behramoglu in the editing process. Also, at the same time, it will be possible to make national editions of Poetry Planetariat, based on our poetic idea and our philosophy of the Movement.
Given our relationship with poets of all generations in 170 countries, we should consider changing the format of communications, conceding and implementing a strategy to bring new generations closer. To do this we must work with greater commitment on our website, which is urgently urgent to redesign, and put our attention on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp and WeChat and, through a programmer, optimize searches and access to WPM content. We need to introduce experimental poetry to communication to communities, appealing to the constant editing and publication of audiovisual material and all possible technological medias, including video games.
It is urgent to seek and materialize an alliance with all arts and artists, and even with journalists and progressive sectors of thought and academia.
All members of the Coordinating Committee of our Movement must participate permanently in these tasks, sending texts (poems, interviews, essays and news), posting our publications on their social networks. To do this, it is essential to set up a Communications Department, of which can be part Gloria Chvatal, Oscar Saavedra, Magdalena Camargo and Mohammed Al-Nabhan. We also need to build a wide directory of open and alternative media, including television and internet radio, to disseminate our approaches and campaigns.
Our work must favors the world’s children, adolescence, youth and older adults and be strategically projected with great energy at all levels of formal and informal education, primary, middle and university education, democratizing the word, and should also focus on the new voices of poetry, increasingly including them in international poetry festivals, to encourage their works and their commitment to the creation and to the World Poettry Movement.
To make all this work cluster possible, it is essential to realize the necessary alliances with poets, festivals, organizations, collectives and poetry schools on the planet. At the same time it’s basic that WPM must manage and realize sound finances to secure and perform all of its work.
Finally, in this meeting we must define the continental leaders and parameters for research, collection of material, translations, diagramming, editing and publication in the short term of a world poetry anthology, as well as define and work on the construction of a worldwide library of poetry books (in PDF format) on the WPM website, thus giving full meaning to the participation of poets as creators of a new language for life and including them much more in this way in the World Poetry Movement.